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Dwie optyki ramanowskie bio multi optic z tulejami bio sleeve o różnych długościach (120 mm i 220 mm)

Optyka ramanowska bio multi optic z tuleją bio sleeve

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Dokumentów: 19
    • Karta katalogowa (TI)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Technical Information

    • Karta katalogowa (TI)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL),
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Karta katalogowa (TI)

    Multi optic calibration and verification kit Technical Information

    • Karta katalogowa (TI)
    Wersja angielska - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for the multi optic calibration
    and verification kit

    • Karta katalogowa (TI)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Technical Information

    • Karta katalogowa (TI)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)

    Accessory optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Operating Instructions

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for Rxn-10 probe optics: Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Operating Instructions

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)

    Multi optic calibration and verification kit Operating Instructions

    • Instrukcja obsługi (BA)
    Wersja angielska - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details for the
    multi optic calibration and verification kit

    • Skrócona instrukcja obsługi (KA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Skrócona instrukcja obsługi (KA)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quick start guide for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Skrócona instrukcja obsługi (KA)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Skrócona instrukcja obsługi (KA)
    Wersja angielska - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quickstart guide for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • PU (Publikacja)

    Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner

    • PU (Publikacja)
    Wersja angielska - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the
    world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life
    Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement
    technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E,

    • PU (Publikacja)

    Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical product development lifecycle

    • PU (Publikacja)
    Wersja angielska - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a
    competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry,
    and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio
    (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and
    Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).