Liquid: 0.2 to 2100 m³/h (0.15 to 1520 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 1.5 to 28000 m³/h (0.9 to 16600 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 100, Class 600, 20K
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 DSC sensor: 1.4404 (316/316L); UNS N06022 similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L); 2.4602
Prowirl F to wieloparametrowy przepływomierz, cechujący się najwyższą jakością pomiaru przepływu pary wodnej, gazów oraz cieczy. Prowirl F 200 jest zasilany z pętli sygnałowej. Zapewnia najwyższe bezpieczeństwo pracy w obszarach zagrożonych wybuchem. Heartbeat Technology zapewnia niezawodną weryfikację poprawności działania oraz wysokie bezpieczeństwo prowadzonego procesu technologicznego.
Zalecana metoda pomiaru przepływu pary mokrej/nasyconej i przegrzanej, cieczy i gazów (również kriogenicznych)
Szeroki zakres zastosowań; zalecany szczególnie do aplikacji pomiarowych pary.
Cechy przepływomierza
Funkcja detekcji pary mokrej dla średnic DN 25...300 (1...12")
Możliwość ustawiania czujnika ciśnienia w dowolnej pozycji
Rurka syfonowa do pomiaru ciśnienia pary
Moduł wyświetlacza z funkcją transmisji danych
Wytrzymała dwukomorowa obudowa
Gwarantowane bezpieczeństwo: międzynarodowe dopuszczenia (SIL, obszary zagrożone wybuchem)
Łatwe zarządzanie zużyciem energii – wbudowane czujniki temperatury i ciśnienia pary wodnej i gazów
Niezawodna, bezpieczna technologia pomiarowa – zgodność z międzynarodowym standardem ISO 12764
Czujnik wirowy o liniowej charakterystyce niepewności pomiaru dla płynów już od liczby Reynoldsa równej 10 000
Stabilność długoterminowa – trwała konstrukcja czujnika: zerowy dryft
Wygodne podłączenie elektryczne - oddzielny przedział podłączeniowy, różne opcje Ethernet
Bezpieczna obsługa - brak konieczności otwierania obudowy
Funkcje zaawansowanej autodiagnostyki i weryfikacji poprawności działania - Technologia Heartbeat
Inteligentne urządzenia pomiarowe dzięki Heartbeat Technology
Chcesz zwiększyć wydajność zakładu i obniżyć koszty? Nasza oferta inteligentnych przyrządów z Heartbeat Technology zapewnia pełen wgląd w pracę urządzeń, co przekłada się na większą opłacalność i bezpieczeństwo pracy.
Ethernet-APL portfolio
Ethernet is ready for the process industry: Ethernet-APL ensures a high cable length, an easy installation and explosion protection. This makes high-speed communication possible in the field.
Firma Schluchseewerk AG poszukiwała rozwiązania do rejestracji i optymalizacji wydajności swoich turbin w elektrowni szczytowo-pompowej w Wehr. Endress+Hauser oferuje optymalne rozwiązanie w postaci ultradźwiękowego przepływomierza z czujnikami zaciskowymi.
GPsol, together with Endress+Hauser, developed a system that individually measures each component of extraction wells and provides as much information as possible about the current flow.
Efficient component cleaning is an important part of the production of industrially manufactured components. Borer Chemie AG therefore relies on the concentration measurement with Teqwave F, I and T.
Celem niniejszej broszury jest przedstawienie wyczerpujących informacji technicznych na temat pary we wszystkich jej postaciach, metodacy pomiaru jej parametrów oraz wyjaśnienie, dlaczego jest tak powszechnie wykorzystywana w procesach przemysłowych.
Versatile flowmeter with detection of wet steam conditions and best-in-class accuracy. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Suitable for a wide range of applications; optimized for steam applications.
Sensor features
Space-saving engineering – inlet run compensation. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Wet steam capabilities for DN 25 to 300 (1 to 12"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell. Industrial siphon design for pressure measurement.
Transmitter features
Convenient device wiring – separate connection compartment. Safe operation – no need to open the device due to display with touch control, background lighting. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Display module with data transfer function. Robust dual-compartment housing. Plant safety: worldwide approvals (SIL, Haz. area).
Średnica nominalna
DN 15 to 300 (½ to 12")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 DSC sensor: 1.4404 (316/316L); UNS N06022 similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L); 2.4602
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.2 to 2100 m³/h (0.15 to 1520 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 1.5 to 28000 m³/h (0.9 to 16600 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 100, Class 600, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
Current Input 4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
Zasada pomiaru
Product headline
Versatile flowmeter with detection of wet steam conditions and best-in-class accuracy. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Suitable for a wide range of applications; optimized for steam applications.
Sensor features
Space-saving engineering – inlet run compensation. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Wet steam capabilities for DN 25 to 300 (1 to 12"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell. Industrial siphon design for pressure measurement.
Transmitter features
Convenient device wiring – separate connection compartment. Safe operation – no need to open the device due to display with touch control, background lighting. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Display module with data transfer function. Robust dual-compartment housing. Plant safety: worldwide approvals (SIL, Haz. area).
Średnica nominalna
DN 15 to 300 (½ to 12")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.2 to 2100 m³/h (0.15 to 1520 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 1.5 to 28000 m³/h (0.9 to 16600 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 100, Class 600, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
Current Input 4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
Zasada pomiaru
Product headline
Versatile flowmeter with detection of wet steam conditions and best-in-class accuracy. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Suitable for a wide range of applications; optimized for steam applications.
Sensor features
Space-saving engineering – inlet run compensation. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Wet steam capabilities for DN 25 to 300 (1 to 12"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell. Industrial siphon design for pressure measurement.
Transmitter features
Convenient device wiring – separate connection compartment. Safe operation – no need to open the device due to display with touch control, background lighting. Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology. Display module with data transfer function. Robust dual-compartment housing. Plant safety: worldwide approvals (SIL, Haz. area).
Średnica nominalna
DN 15 to 300 (½ to 12")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M); CX2MW similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 DSC sensor: 1.4404 (316/316L); UNS N06022 similar to Alloy C22, 2.4602 Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L); 2.4602
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.2 to 2100 m³/h (0.15 to 1300 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 1.5 to 28000 m³/h (0.9 to 16000 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 100, Class 600, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
Current Input 4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
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