Liquid: 0.1 to 540 m³/h (0.061 to 320 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 0.52 to 7300 m³/h (0.31 to 4300 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F) High/low temperature (on request): –200 to +450 °C (–328 to +842 °F)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 40, Class 300, 20K
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M) DSC sensor: 1.4404/F316/F316L Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L
Prowirl R to niezawodne rozwiązanie dla systemów zarządzania zużyciem energii przenoszonej przez parę, gazy i ciecze w procesach pomocniczych. Konstrukcja czujnika jest przystosowana do pracy w aplikacjach o bardzo niskich wartościach przepływu. Przepływomierz Prowirl R 200 jest zasilany z pętli sygnałowej, ekonomiczny, pełna integracja z istniejącą infrastrukturą. Zapewnia najwyższe bezpieczeństwo pracy w obszarach zagrożonych wybuchem. Heartbeat Technology zapewnia bezpieczeństwo procesu przez cały cykl życia.
Preferowana metoda pomiaru przepływu pary mokrej/nasyconej i przegrzanej, cieczy i gazów (również kriogenicznych)
Przeznaczony głównie do aplikacji o bardzo niskich wartościach przepływu.
Cechy przepływomierza
Wewnętrzne przewężenie średnicy czujnika o 1 lub 2 wielkości
Średnice nominalne rurociągu do DN 250 (10")
Możliwość ustawiania czujnika ciśnienia w dowolnej pozycji
Moduł wyświetlacza z funkcją transmisji danych
Wytrzymała dwukomorowa obudowa
Gwarantowane bezpieczeństwo: międzynarodowe dopuszczenia (SIL, obszary zagrożone wybuchem)
Łatwe zarządzanie zużyciem energii – wbudowane czujniki temperatury i ciśnienia pary wodnej i gazów
Oszczędność czasu i kosztów – wbudowana redukcja średnicy, brak konieczności przeróbek rurociągu w celu redukcji średnicy odcinka rurociągu
Czujnik o liniowej charakterystyce niepewności pomiaru dla płynów o liczbie Reynoldsa minimum 10 000
Stabilność długoterminowa – trwała konstrukcja czujnika: zerowy dryft
Wygodne podłączenie elektryczne - oddzielny przedział podłączeniowy, różne opcje Ethernet
Bezpieczna obsługa - brak konieczności otwierania obudowy
Funkcje zaawansowanej autodiagnostyki i weryfikacji poprawności działania - Technologia Heartbeat
Inteligentne urządzenia pomiarowe dzięki Heartbeat Technology
Chcesz zwiększyć wydajność zakładu i obniżyć koszty? Nasza oferta inteligentnych przyrządów z Heartbeat Technology zapewnia pełen wgląd w pracę urządzeń, co przekłada się na większą opłacalność i bezpieczeństwo pracy.
Ethernet-APL portfolio
Ethernet is ready for the process industry: Ethernet-APL ensures a high cable length, an easy installation and explosion protection. This makes high-speed communication possible in the field.
Flowmeter with best-in-class accuracy despite pipe reduction. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Dedicated to applications with very low flow or reduced flow.
Sensor features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10").
Transmitter features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell.
Średnica nominalna
DN 25 to 250 (1 to 10")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M) DSC sensor: 1.4404/F316/F316L Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.1 to 540 m³/h (0.061 to 320 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 0.52 to 7300 m³/h (0.31 to 4300 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 40, Class 300, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F) High/low temperature (on request): –200 to +450 °C (–328 to +842 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
CE, C-tick, EAC
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
Zasada pomiaru
Product headline
Flowmeter with best-in-class accuracy despite pipe reduction. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Dedicated to applications with very low flow or reduced flow.
Sensor features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10").
Transmitter features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell.
Średnica nominalna
DN 25 to 250 (1 to 10")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M) DSC sensor: 1.4404/F316/F316L Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.1 to 540 m³/h (0.061 to 320 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 0.52 to 7300 m³/h (0.31 to 4300 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 40, Class 300, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F) High/low temperature (on request): –200 to +450 °C (–328 to +842 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
CE, C-tick, EAC
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
Zasada pomiaru
Product headline
Flowmeter with best-in-class accuracy despite pipe reduction. Easy energy management – integrated temperature and pressure measurement for steam and gases. Dedicated to applications with very low flow or reduced flow.
Sensor features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10").
Transmitter features
Cost and time savings – no pipework modifications needed for line size reduction. Same accuracy down to Re 10 000 – most linear Vortex meter body. Long-term stability – robust drift-free capacitive sensor. Integrated diameter reduction by 1 or 2 line sizes. Nominal diameter (mating pipe) up to DN 250 (10"). Flexible positioning of pressure cell.
Średnica nominalna
DN 25 to 250 (1 to 10")
Materiały w kontakcie z medium
Measuring tube: 1.4408 (CF3M) DSC sensor: 1.4404/F316/F316L Process connection: 1.4404/F316/F316L
Wielkości mierzone
Volume flow, mass flow, corrected volume flow, energy flow, heat flow difference, temperature
Liquid: 0.1 to 540 m³/h (0.061 to 320 ft³/min) depending on medium: water with 1 bar a, 20 °C (14.5 psi a, 68° F) Steam, gas: 0.52 to 7300 m³/h (0.31 to 4300 ft³/min) depending on medium: steam with 180 °C, 10 bar a (356 °F, 145 psi a); air with 25 °C, 4.4 bar a (77 °F, 63.8 psi a)
Maks. ciśnienie procesu
PN 40, Class 300, 20K
Zakres temperatury medium
Standard: –40 to +260 °C (–40 to +500 °F) High/low temperature (option): –200 to +400 °C (–328 to +752 °F) High/low temperature (on request): –200 to +450 °C (–328 to +842 °F)
Temperatura otoczenia
Compact version (standard): –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F) Compact version (option): –50 to +80 °C (–58 to +176 °F) Remote version (standard): –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F) Remote version (option): –50 to +85 °C (–58 to +185 °F)
Compact version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Sensor remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure Transmitter remote version: IP66/67, type 4X enclosure
4‐line backlit display with touch control (operation from outside) Configuration via local display and operating tools possible Remote display available
4‐20 mA HART (passive) 4‐20 mA (passive) Pulse/frequency/switch output (passive)
4‐20 mA (passive)
Komunikacja cyfrowa
DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART with/without pulse/frequency/switch output) DC 12 to 30 V (4‐20 mA HART, 4‐20 mA) DC 12 to 35 V (4‐20 mA HART, pulse/frequency/switch output, 4‐20 mA input) DC 9 to 32 V (PROFIBUS PA, pulse/frequency/switch output)
Dopuszczenia do stosowania w strefach zagrożonych wybuchem
Product safety
CE, C-tick, EAC
Functional safety
Functional safety according to IEC 61508, applicable in safety-relevant applications in accordance with IEC 61511
Metrological approvals and certificates
Calibration performed on accredited calibration facilities (acc. to ISO/IEC 17025) Heartbeat Technology complies with the requirements for measurement traceability according to ISO 9001:2015 – Section a (TÜV SÜD attestation)
Marine approvals and certificates
Pressure approvals and certificates
PED, CRN, AD 2000
Material certificates
3.1 material NACE MR0175/MR0103, PMI (on request); welding test acc. to ISO 15614‐1, similar to ASME IX (on request)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
WirelessHART and/or Bluetooth® communication interface, Operating frequency: 2.4 GHz (ISM band), Transmission range under reference conditions: WirelessHART communication - up to 200 m (656 ft), Bluetooth communication - up to 40 m (131 ft)
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