World-class inventory management in the mining industry
Optimize your inventory performance, with an accurate and transparent overview of your silo stocks.
Mega global trends like unstable supply chains and digitalization are transforming entire industries. In the case of mining, minerals and metals, urbanization is an additional driver of change, causing an increased demand for inventory monitoring of solids in silos and mobile silos. Endress+Hauser inventory control solutions like measurement, transmission and visualization can improve the overall transparency and profitability in your supply chain.
Accurate and efficient measurement of your silo stocks
Tailored especially for mining, mineral and metal plants, our latest SupplyCare software provides a bespoke interface for both mobile and stationary silos. With its new algorithms, bespoke silo types and other parameters like tilt angle, SupplyCare is able to calculate the volume and mass of nearly all silos. This allows improved accuracy of volume/mass measurements, especially in mobile silos. A patent application for this breakthrough Endress+Hauser software is pending.
How can we help measure the materials in your silos?
Partner with Endress+Hauser and its mining, minerals, and metals experts around the world to implement smart inventory systems. These will enable inventory monitoring, consolidation, planning, and optimization across your company. With inventory overviews, dashboards, and integration in your host systems, we enable the safe, accurate and realtime information exchange between all your stakeholders. This can lead to substantial savings in capital and operational expenditure.
Whether for plant improvements or larger group projects, contact the experts at Endress+Hauser to identify the optimal solution for your technical and commercial requirements.
Use Endress+Hauser's engineering support for optimal delivery and risk management services including project planning, detailed engineering, fabrication, testing, documentation, certification, commissioning and start up.
Leverage Endress+Hauser's turnkey solutions and range of integrated analogue, digital and IIoT connection interfaces for rapid project implementation and improved cost performance.
Increase your productivity using Endress+Hauser's 24/7 inventory visibility. Our integration capabilities and inventory management solutions will enable efficient collaboration with all stakeholders on large mining, minerals and metals projects.
Team up with Endress+Hauser's engineers to increase the performance and efficiency of your mining, minerals and materials operations with our global training, validation and maintenance services.
Discover our world-class inventory solutions. Offering an amazing range of inventory management tools using state-of the art monitoring of mining inventory and metal inventory, Endress+Hauser is the perfect partner for operational excellence in the...
Discover our world-class inventory solutions. Offering an amazing range of inventory management tools using state-of the art monitoring of mining inventory and metal inventory, Endress+Hauser is the perfect partner for operational excellence in the mining, minerals, and metals industry. We can also unlock cost improvements and achieve performance gains through the optimization of raw material logistics.
Launched in 2020, the cloud-connected radar sensor Micropilot FWR30 delivers real added value. Access to level information is possible from anywhere at any time. Now the sensor has even greater flexibility and application potential.
Launched in 2020, the cloud-connected radar sensor Micropilot FWR30 delivers real added value. Access to level information is possible from anywhere at any time. Now the sensor has even greater flexibility and application potential.
Fieldgates allow remote monitoring using 4 to 20 mA, Modbus RS485 and Modbus TCP devices, either via Ethernet, WLAN or UMTS. Advanced functions are offered by Web-PLC and communication with external systems via Modbus interface.
Cloud hosting and data integration via API, OPC or electronic reporting will help you to overhaul your supply chain and inventory management. Unlock lean distribution performance, with turnkey solutions all powered by IIoT cloud technologies.
Benefit from SupplyCare Software and SupplyCare Hosting using the Endress+Hauser server, or customer-side SupplyCare Enterprise. All offer cloud-based inventory management for collaborative demand planning, event-driven replenishment and scheduling.
Our SupplyCare Software also manages reconciliation and consolidation of geographically distributed inventories. You can also involve partners and different companies to make your supply chain even smarter.
Use our cutting-edge SupplyCare Software to set up intuitive dashboards, track historical data, create demand forecasts and analyse your stock.
Increase your productivity using 24/7 inventory management, enable efficient collaboration with all stakeholders, track unauthorized movements and maintain the ability to deliver when required.
Partner with Endress+Hauser to implement smart systems that will enable inventory monitoring, consolidation and planning. Then use inventory overviews and dashboards for accurate and up to date information exchange with suppliers and customers.
Endress+Hauser's SupplyCare software offers a bespoke license, based on asset management, meaning you can allow access to all process stakeholders.
Flexible and open IMS Middleware SXS70 enables the integration of data from our SupplyCare inventory management software into ERP business systems and supports the automation and optimization of your business processes.
Reduce your production costs and improve your quality performance using application consultancy and zero-loss assessment from Endress+Hauser.
Partner with Endress+Hauser and ist world-class engineering team who are trained to perform initial site surveys, define deliverables, carry out detailed design and complete engineering simulations.
Your procurement department can relax in the knowledge that they are purchasing a world-class Endress+Hauser product that is designed and "Made in Germany".
The Endress+Hauser certification and testing department will ensure a high-quality product with world-class performance and all the paperwork required for your country's safety inspectors.
Before shipping with approved logistic partners, Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) helps verify that newly manufactured measurement equipment meets its intended purpose and makes sure your delivery specifications have been met.
What could be more comforting than having Endress+Hauser engineers help with the start-up and trial running of your new plant to achieve excellence in level measurement equipment.
New equipment is only as good as the team in charge of it. For this reason Endress+Hauser offers intensive training for your plant engineers and comprehensive techical documentaion that will help with maintenance and repairs.
As with so many high-tech products today, whether it be an electric car or new laptop, Endress+Hauser offers remote diagnostics, verification and maintenance services to wherever our products are operating around the globe. All you need is internet.
Depending on your project and process, Endress+Hauser offers bespoke engineering solutions to help design, manufacture and install the perfect level measurement instrument. Call us to discuss the scope of your project.
Platforma do zarządzania stanami magazynowymi: przejrzysta informacja w łańcuchu dostaw
Oprogramowanie IMS Middleware SXS70 umożliwia integrację danych pochodzących z pakietów oprogramowania do zarządzania stanami magazynowymi na potrzeby systemów ERP.
Uwolnij wydajność operacyjną, zwiększ niezawodność pomiarów obiektowych oraz zmniejsz ryzyko związane z jakością, bezpieczeństwem i ochroną środowiska dzięki usługom serwisowym Endress+Hauser.
Poznaj inne aplikacje dla tej branży
Planowanie i optymalizacja zasobów w branży górniczej, mineralnej i metalowej
Planowanie i optymalizacja zasobów w branży górniczej, mineralnej i metalowej
Odkryj jak Endress+Hauser umożliwia firmom z branży górniczej, mineralnej i metalurgicznej wykorzystanie mocy danych i IIoT do zrewolucjonizowania łańcucha dostaw w celu zapewnienia efektywnej i wydajnej pracy.
Monitorowanie zapasów w przemyśle wydobywczym, mineralnym i metalurgicznym
Monitorowanie zapasów w przemyśle wydobywczym, mineralnym i metalurgicznym
Dowiedz się, jak rozwiązania Endress+Hauser do monitorowania stanów magazynowych mogą przyczynić się do obniżenia kosztów i zwiększenia dostępności materiałów eksploatacyjnych dla przemysłu wydobywczego, mineralnego i metalurgicznego.
Systemy opomiarowania rozładunku dla przemysłu górniczego
Systemy opomiarowania rozładunku dla przemysłu górniczego
Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób rozwiązania Endress+Hauser generują oszczędności w procesie dostaw paliwa w górnictwie. Dokładność, wydajność i integralność układu pomiarowego opartego na przepływomierzu usprawniają proces rozładunku cystern drogowych i kolejowych.
Efektywny monitoring ścieków w branży wydobywczej i metalurgicznej
Efektywny monitoring ścieków w branży wydobywczej i metalurgicznej
Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób niższym kosztem możesz monitorować jakość ścieków, jednocześnie przestrzegając wszystkich limitów określonych w przepisach prawnych i w umowach.
System analizy pary i wody w procesach w przemyśle górniczym i metalurgicznym
System analizy pary i wody w procesach w przemyśle górniczym i metalurgicznym
Potrzebujesz zoptymalizować koszty procesów w przemyśle wydobywczym i metalurgicznym? Poznaj nasze systemy analizy pary i wody (SWAS), które bezpiecznie monitorują jakość wody, minimalizując jednocześnie zużycie wody i energii.
Monitoring wody dla przemysłu metalurgicznego i górniczego
Monitoring wody dla przemysłu metalurgicznego i górniczego
Czy systemy chłodzenia pieców/pieców do wytapiania metalu to instalacje, na których musisz polegać? Zapoznaj się z naszymi rozwiązaniami, które zapewniają bezpieczne monitorowanie jakości wody chłodzącej i procesowej.
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