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Removal of ammonium and nitrogen with Liquiline Control

Nitrogen removal from wastewater with Liquiline Control 

Safely comply with limit values for total nitrogen and ammonium by optimizing aeration in the biological treatment 

To ensure that nitrogen can be safely and efficiently removed from wastewater, the nitrification and denitrification processes must be optimally coordinated with each other. The nitrification process depends on the exact supply of oxygen at any given time. If too little oxygen is introduced into the biological treatment, the strict limit values in the outlet cannot be complied with. Running the compressors constantly at full speed will result in enormous energy consumption.

  • Up to 30 % energy savings in the aeration process

    The blowers in a wastewater treatment plant require enormous amounts of electricity – they account for up to 70 % of the plant's total energy requirements. Optimize your nitrogen removal by using Liquiline Control and tap into considerable savings potential. The automation system controls ammonium and nitrate removal based on the influent load and your individual limits for ammonium and total nitrogen. The result is reliable, energy-saving denitrification of the wastewater.

Liquiline Control automation solution for aeration processes ©Endress+Hauser

The Liquiline Control automation solution ensures that nitrogen and ammonium are always removed from the wastewater efficiently and in accordance with the limit values.

Dynamic control of aeration with Liquiline Control ©Endress+Hauser

Liquiline Control dynamically adjusts the speed of the compressors, e.g. in night-time low-load phases when only a small amount of air needs to be blown in.

Digital ammonium and nitrate sensor for measurements directly in the aeration basin ©Endress+Hauser

Efficient measurement directly in the basin with the digital ammonium and nitrate sensor ISEmax CAS40D.

Digital oxygen sensor with Memosens technology ©Endress+Hauser

Digital oxygen sensor with Memosens technology ensures excellent performance and process reliability for all aeration processes (SBR, Anamox, etc.).

Management of limit values and control parameters from the control room or on the move ©Endress+Hauser

Liquiline Control allows to manage limit values and control parameters, either from the control room or on the move, regardless of location.

Simultaneously control up to three independent zones for the biological stage ©Endress+Hauser

Benefit from simultaneous control of up to three independent zones of the biological stage – even remotely

Process map of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants ©Endress+Hauser

Process overview of the biological treatment step

How we can help 

The Liquiline Control automation solution dynamically controls the air supply to the aeration tank in line with the fluctuating loads in the influent. It regulates the optimum amount of air based on the respective oxygen, ammonium and nitrate concentrations as well as the amount of wastewater flow. This way, you ensure reliable compliance with the limit values for total nitrogen and ammonium while saving large amounts of energy and on costs for the activated sludge process.

  • With predictive control strategies, you always stay on the safe side even with dynamic inflows and loads and easily comply with defined limits for total nitrogen and ammonium at the outlet of your wastewater treatment plant

  • Optimize your air supply to the biology and thus your energy consumption with the automated system

  • Control up to three independent zones in the biological stage simultaneously

  • Remain flexible for future adjustments and switch from intermittent to continuous aeration at any time

  • You permanently have complete control of the process, as you can adjust all relevant parameters (limit values and control parameters) at any time 

  • Produkty podstawowe

  • Łatwe w doborze, montażu i obsłudze

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty standardowe

  • Niezawodne, wytrzymałe i łatwe w utrzymaniu

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty zaawansowane

  • Wysoka funkcjonalność i wygoda użytkowania

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty specjalistyczne

  • Zaprojektowane z myślą o wymagających procesach

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

Zależna od urządzenia

Segmentacja FLEX Poziom zaawansowania Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Fundamental

Zaspokoi Twoje podstawowe potrzeby pomiarowe

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Lean

Z łatwością obsłuży Twoje codzienne procesy

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Extended

Zoptymalizuje Twoje procesy dzięki innowacyjnym technologiom

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Xpert

Sprosta Twoim najbardziej wymagającym pomiarom

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi

Zależna od urządzenia

  • Co oferujemy

    Liquiline Control is a PLC-based automation solution that ensures reliable nitrogen removal from wastewater, stable processes even during peak loads, and cost savings through optimized air supply to the aeration tank. It is designed as a modular,...

  • Sprzęt i oprogramowanie

    • Based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 

    • Available for installation in existing cabinets or as a separate turnkey cabinet  

    • Easy integration into existing distributed control systems (DCS) via digital fieldbus communication 

    • Also available as...

  • Usługi

    • Consulting 

    • Project management 

    • Factory acceptance test (FAT) 

    • Site acceptance test (SAT) 

    • Certification (CE)      

    • Commissioning by experienced Endress+Hauser service engineers 

    • On-site trainings 

    • Remote maintenance 

    • Optimization during operation 

    • ...

Do pobrania

    • Magazyn firmowy
    Brochure on Liquiline Control aeration control

    Efficient aeration control

    • Magazyn firmowy

    Innovation brochure on Liquiline Control aeration control

    Upewnij się, że Twoja oczyszczalnia ścieków działa i działa

    Przyjrzyj się urządzeniom Endress+Hauser opracowanym specjalnie do ścieków. Memosens i Liquiline, a także rozwiązania monitorujące, które ułatwiają procesy oczyszczania ścieków.

    • Informacje na temat firmy
    Technical information on Liquiline Control CDC81 for automated wastewater processes

    TI Liquiline Control: wastewater treatment optimization

    • Informacje na temat firmy

    Technical information on Liquiline Control CDC81 for automated wastewater treatment processes

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