Phosphorus removal from wastewater with Liquiline Control
Safely comply with limit values, optimize phosphate precipitation, and reduce sludge volumes
Many wastewater treatment plants use chemical phosphate precipitation to remove phosphorus from wastewater. However, phosphate loads can fluctuate, making optimal precipitant dosing difficult. If the dosage is too low, the strict phosphorus limits will not be met. In contrast, overdosing means a higher volume of sludge and thus higher disposal costs - in addition to wasting the costly precipitant. Furthermore, the salinity in the biology increases, leading to corrosion in the plant.
Save up to 30% of phosphate precipitant
Optimize phosphate precipitant dosage and unlock a significant potential for savings! The dosage is at an optimum level if your plant reliably adheres to the limit value but does not use more precipitant than required. How do you optimize phosphate precipitation? By using the Liquiline Control system. It doses the precipitant automatically in accordance with the actual load and your individual phosphorus limit value. The result is reliable and resource-saving phosphorus removal from wastewater.
Our Liquiline Control solution for automated phosphorus removal from wastewater controls your precipitant dosing pumps in accordance with the actual load and your individual phosphorus limit value.
The automation of the phosphate removal ensures a low phosphorus concentration in your wastewater treatment plant's effluent during both peak- and low-load phases.
Liquiline Control works with iron-based, aluminum-based and mixed precipitants. You can change the precipitant at any time, e.g. if you want to use a different chemical in summer than in winter.
Precipitant continues to be added until the target value you have configured for phosphate is reached and the limit value for phosphorus is reliably adhered to.
Phosphorus removal with Liquiline Control prevents overdosing of precipitant, thereby averting an increase in the salinity of the biology leading to corrosion and an increase in sludge volumes.
The control system can be accessed with a tablet or smartphone via a secure VPN connection, allowing you to manage the measured values and parameters regardless of location and weather conditions.
The orthophosphate analyzer, Liquiline System CA80PH, provides reliable and reproducible measured values that Liquiline Control uses to regulate the dosing of the precipitant into the clarifiers.
Process overview of phosphorus removal and nitrogen elimination from wastewater
How we can help
Liquiline Control is an automation solution that uses continuous flow rate and phosphate measurement to control your precipitant dosing pumps. It can quickly adjust precipitant dosing in the case of changing phosphorus loads or flow rates. This ensures efficient removal of phosphorus from wastewater, which means you use less phosphate precipitant and therefore reduce costs. In addition, optimized precipitant dosing prevents salting of the biology and high volumes of sludge.
Full compliance with your prescribed discharge values for phosphorus - even with dynamic influents and high load peaks
Optimized phosphate precipitant consumption based on the actual load
Control of three dosing pumps at the same time
You can use iron-based, aluminum-based as well as mixed phosphate precipitants for your chemical phosphorus removal
The process is completely under your control, as you can switch to manual operation at any time
Oczyszczalnia ścieków w Stadtlohn (Niemcy) steruje usuwaniem chemicznym fosforu przy użyciu Liquiline Control. Rezultat to stabilne wartości fosforu w ściekach oczyszczonych oraz optymalne zużycie reagentów.
Liquiline Control is a PLC-based automation solution that ensures reliable phosphorus removal from wastewater, stable processes even during peak loads, and cost savings through optimized use of precipitants. It is designed as a modular, expandable...
Liquiline Control is a PLC-based automation solution that ensures reliable phosphorus removal from wastewater, stable processes even during peak loads, and cost savings through optimized use of precipitants. It is designed as a modular, expandable system and is available as a stand-alone or decentralized system in a variety of housing configurations. This flexibility allows quick and easy integration into existing process control systems as well as the integration of existing instrumentation.
Available for installation in existing cabinets or as a separate turnkey cabinet
Easy integration into existing process control systems (PCS) via digital fieldbus communication or use as a stand-alone control unit via analog signals
Also available as complete solution with control software, necessary instrumentation (e. g. phosphate analyzer) and a wide range of services
Predictive control strategies for attenuating phosphorus load spikes
Secure and convenient remote access via webserver
Operation via supplied touch display, via smartphone/tablet or from the control room
Adding further software modules is possible at any time
Upewnij się, że Twoja oczyszczalnia ścieków działa i działa
Przyjrzyj się urządzeniom Endress+Hauser opracowanym specjalnie do ścieków. Memosens i Liquiline, a także rozwiązania monitorujące, które ułatwiają procesy oczyszczania ścieków.
Systemy monitoringu dla komunalnych oczyszczalni ścieków
Systemy monitoringu dla komunalnych oczyszczalni ścieków
Inteligentny system monitoringu dla oczyszczalni ścieków produkcji Endress+Hauser. Dzięki naszym łatwym w obsłudze, ekonomicznym systemom monitoringu "pod klucz" skuteczniej spełnisz wszystkie limity przewidziane prawem.
Systemy monitoringu wody na wylocie z oczyszczalni dla każdej branży przemysłu
Systemy monitoringu wody na wylocie z oczyszczalni dla każdej branży przemysłu
Dowiedz się więcej o oferowanych przez nas niezawodnych, gotowych do użytku systemach monitoringu ścieków z funkcją inteligentnej konserwacji, która pomoże Ci w spełnianiu ograniczeń wynikających z przepisów prawa i umów.
Systemy monitorowania jakości wody pitnej
Systemy monitorowania jakości wody pitnej
Poznaj rozwiązania Endress+Hauser dla gospodarki wodnej, które zapewniają oszczędność i niezawodność monitorowania jakości wody pitnej – dziś i w przyszłości.
Inteligentny system zarządzania siecią wodociągową
Inteligentny system zarządzania siecią wodociągową
To inteligentne rozwiązanie do monitorowania zapewni pełną przejrzystość wszystkich procesów w sieci wodociągowej i kanalizacyjnej. Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób możesz zaoszczędzić czas, obniżając jednocześnie koszty eksploatacyjne i koszty energii.
Systemy monitorowania wody w procesach przemysłowych
Systemy monitorowania wody w procesach przemysłowych
Zapewnij efektywne, zgodne z przepisami i ekonomiczne monitorowanie jakości wody w swoich procesach produkcyjnych dzięki rozwiązaniom Endress+Hauser "pod klucz".
Nitrogen removal from wastewater with Liquiline Control
Nitrogen removal from wastewater with Liquiline Control
Discover the Liquiline Control automation solution for reliable nitrogen removal from wastewater, stable processes even during peak loads, and cost savings through optimized use of energy.
Monitoring the asset health status in water & wastewater
Monitoring the asset health status in water & wastewater
Explore Endress+Hauser water industry solutions to flexibly and efficiently ensure water safety with verifiable regulatory compliance.
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