The Raman Rxn5 process analyzer is an industry-leading, turn-key, laser-based analyzer powered by Kaiser Raman technology. It provides quantitative chemical composition measurements using Raman spectroscopy. The design of the Raman Rxn5 incorporates customer requirements for serviceability and hazard-area certification, provides a compact footprint, and minimizes utilities consumption. The high optical efficiency of the analyzer makes it ideal for typical gas-phase sample measurements.
Zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa zakładu, zapewnienie jakości produktu i optymalizacja procesów. Spektroskopia ramanowska umożliwia pomiar w czasie rzeczywistym składu i struktury molekularnej próbek produktu w warunkach laboratoryjnych, jak i produkcyjnych.
Raman analyzer application guide for the oil & gas and chemical
industries - Composition analysis of gas streams and LNG
Wersja angielska - 12/2021
New version available in English
A guide to our Raman spectroscopy analyzer and probe portfolio,
powered by Kaiser Raman technology, for composition analysis of
gas streams and LNG (includes the Raman Rxn4 analyzer, the
Raman Rxn5 analyzer, the Raman Rxn-30 probe, and
Raman Rxn-41 probe) in the chemical industry and oil & gas industry.
An overview brochure about our Raman Rxn5 analyzer (including the Raman Rxn-30 probe, the Rxn-40 probe, and the Rxn-41 probe), a Raman spectroscopy analyzer system for gas phase measurements powered by Kaiser Raman technology.
Raman analyzer application guide for the oil & gas and chemical
industries - Composition analysis of gas streams and LNG
PU (Publikacja)
Wersja angielska - 12/2021
New version available in English
A guide to our Raman spectroscopy analyzer and probe portfolio, powered by Kaiser Raman technology, for composition analysis of gas streams and LNG (includes the Raman Rxn4 analyzer, the Raman Rxn5 analyzer, the Raman Rxn-30 probe, and Raman Rxn-41 probe) in the chemical industry and oil & gas industry.
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