FLOWSIC600-XT is available in variants with 4, 4+1, 4+4, and 8 measurement paths. In addition to the OIML R 137 Class 1.0 requirements, FLOWSIC600-XT meets the requirements of Class 0.5 and AGA9 in their entirety. FLOWSIC600-XT contains i-diagnostics™ – an intelligent application diagnostics function – and PowerIn Technology™ for continuous measurement operation for up to three weeks in the event of a mains voltage failure. For the very best possible measurement accuracy and long-term stability.
Custody transfer measurement of natural gas
Custody transfer measurement of natural gas with up to 30% H2
Transport and storage of gas
Onshore and offshore applications
Device properties:
Automatic adjustment of pressure and temperature influences
Available for all operating conditions
PowerIn Technology™ for reliable backup operation
Intelligent application diagnostics with i-diagnostics™
Measuring capability up to 30% hydrogen in natural gas
Low measurement uncertainty in every application
Excellent measurement data reliability and availability
The right ultrasonic gas flow measuring device for every application – without compromise
Simple device integration – even in compact systems
Quick and easy commissioning and checks
Economical quantification of the H2 content in natural gas
Firma Schluchseewerk AG poszukiwała rozwiązania do rejestracji i optymalizacji wydajności swoich turbin w elektrowni szczytowo-pompowej w Wehr. Endress+Hauser oferuje optymalne rozwiązanie w postaci ultradźwiękowego przepływomierza z czujnikami zaciskowymi.
GPsol, together with Endress+Hauser, developed a system that individually measures each component of extraction wells and provides as much information as possible about the current flow.
Firma GRISARD BITUMEN AG polega na technologii pomiaru wieloczęstotliwościowego zastosowanej w przepływomierzu Promass Q 500 do wiarygodnych pomiarów w przypadku obecności gazu w asfalcie
Volumetric flow a. c., volume a. c., gas velocity, Speed of sound, optional volume correction via integrated, electronic volume corrector (EVC)
Measuring Medium
Natural gas (with up to 30% hydrogen), air, natural gases containing increased levels of CO2, N2, H2S, O2, H2
≤ 0.05 % of the measured value (typical)
4-path and 8-path version ≤ ± 0.5 % | (≤ ± 1%) Dry-calibrated
4-path and 8-path version ≤ ± 0.2 % | (≤ ± 0.5%) After flow calibration and alignment using constant factor. Without the calibration uncertainty of the test bench.
4-path and 8-path version ≤ ± 0.1 % | (≤ ± 0.2%) After flow calibration and alignment using polynomial or piecewise correction. Without the calibration uncertainty of the test bench.
Medium temperature range
–46 °C ... +180 °C / -51 °F ... +356 °F On request:–194 °C ... +280 °C / –381 °F ... +536 °F
Operating pressure range
0 bar (g) ... 450 bar (g) 0 psi (g) ... 6527 psi (g)
Nominal pipe size
3 ″ ... 56 ″ (DN 80 ... DN 1400), other nominal pipe sizes on request
Metrological approvals and certificates
OIML R 137-1&2:2012 (class 0.5) OIML D 11:2013 ISO 17089-1 AGA-Report Nr. 9 MID: 2014/32/EU PED: 2014/68/EU ASME: B16.5, B16.47 A/B ATEX: 2014/34/EU EMC: 2014/30/EU GOST 8.611-2013 GOST 8.733-2011 CPA: JJG1030-2007 PCEC: GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.2-2010, GB 3836.4-2010, GB/T 3836.22-2017
Hazardous area approvals
IECEx Ex db ia op is [ia Ga] IIA/IIC T4 Gb Ex db eb ia op is [ia Ga] IIA/IIC T4 Gb Ex ia op is IIA/IIC T4 Ga
ATEX II 2 (1) G Ex db ia op is [ia Ga] IIA/IIC T4 Gb II 2 (1) G Ex db eb ia op is [ia Ga] IIA/IIC T4 Gb II 1G Ex ia op is IIA/IIC T4 Ga NEC/CEC (US/CA) Explosion-proof / non-incendive: CI I, Div. 1 Group D, T4 / Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIA T4 Gb / Cl I, Zone 1 AEx d ia op is [ia Ga] IIA T4 Gb CI I, Div. 1 Groups B, C, D, T4 / Ex d ia [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb / Cl I, Zone 1 AEx d ia op is [ia Ga] IICT4 Gb Intrinsically safe: CI I, Div. 1 Group D T4 / Ex ia IIA T4 Ga / Cl I, Zone 0, AEx ia op is IIA T4 Ga CI I, Div. 1 Groups A, B, C, D, T4 / Ex ia IIC T4 Ga / Cl I, Zone 0, AEx ia op is IIC T4 Ga
Digital Outputs
4 outputs: 2 x status, 2 x pulse: ≤ 30 V, 50 mA Passive, electrically isolated, open collector or conforming to NAMUR (DIN EN 60947-5-6), fmax = 10 kHz(scalable)
Broad range of solutions for gas-fired power plants
Wersja angielska - 01/2025
New version available in English
With our broad range of solutions Endress+Hauser has proven applicability in the entire power generation process, from gas flow to
combustion efficiency to emissions monitoring.
Oil and gas – solutions for the oil and gas industry
Rozwiązania branżowe (SO)
Wersja angielska - 01/2025
New version available in English
Endress+Hauser offers the best solutions through a huge range of products and systems to measure and perform even under the most rigorous operating conditions.
Broad range of solutions for gas-fired power plants
Rozwiązania branżowe (SO)
Wersja angielska - 01/2025
New version available in English
With our broad range of solutions Endress+Hauser has proven applicability in the entire power generation process, from gas flow to combustion efficiency to emissions monitoring.
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