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Fuel feed analysis

Fast composition measurement of gas turbine fuel feed

Accurate, non-destructive analysis of gas turbine fuel feed composition

To reduce carbon emissions, many companies are leveraging gas turbine assets by burning hydrogen-rich fuels. Hydrogen blends come with higher risks such as burner coke up and flashback, making reliable composition measurement essential. Traditional measurement techniques typically produce slow results, require intensive maintenance and can consume the sample or require flaring, increasing safety risk and product loss. Our Raman solutions can help.

  • Multi-component measurement in seconds

    for optimized turbine efficiency

    Endress+Hauser’s Raman Rxn5 analyzer performs full composition measurement of gas turbine fuel feeds without sacrificing speed. Fast results allow you to quickly detect fuel composition fluctuations and make critical changes to optimize operational efficiency. Easily adjust combustion conditions to accommodate the properties of the blended fuel. Quickly adjust for flame speed and reduce flashback risks. Minimize the risk of turbine issues such as stage down, blow out, or excess emissions.

Gas turbine in a power and energy plant ©Cultura Images RF/Strandperle

Gas turbine in a power and energy plant

Raman Rxn5 analyzer ©Endress+Hauser

Raman Rxn5 analyzer

Rxn-30 probe ©Endress+Hauser

Rxn-30 probe

Gas measurement solutions with Raman technology ©Endress+Hauser

Gas measurement solutions with Raman technology

Power and Energy plant ©Bobo1980-Fotolia

Power and Energy plant

Gas turbine ©iStock

Gas turbine

How we can help

Heighten the safety and efficiency of your gas turbine operations using fast and reliable, real-time composition measurement with low maintenance requirements.

  • Quickly detect transient events by receiving results in seconds.

  • Simultaneously measure H2, N2, CH4, C2H6, CO2, C3H8, O2, Btu, and Wobbe index from one system

  • Calculate the hydrocarbon dewpoint via composition measurement to avoid condensate and burner coke up

  • Conduct minimal sample conditioning with little maintenance, infrequent calibration, no sample transfer, and no carrier gases

  • Avoid potential damage to injection nozzles caused by flame flashback

  • Produkty podstawowe

  • Łatwe w doborze, montażu i obsłudze

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty standardowe

  • Niezawodne, wytrzymałe i łatwe w utrzymaniu

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty zaawansowane

  • Wysoka funkcjonalność i wygoda użytkowania

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

  • Produkty specjalistyczne

  • Zaprojektowane z myślą o wymagających procesach

Poziom zaawansowania

Prostota obsługi

Zależna od urządzenia

Segmentacja FLEX Poziom zaawansowania Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Fundamental

Zaspokoi Twoje podstawowe potrzeby pomiarowe

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Lean

Z łatwością obsłuży Twoje codzienne procesy

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Extended

Zoptymalizuje Twoje procesy dzięki innowacyjnym technologiom

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Segment Xpert

Sprosta Twoim najbardziej wymagającym pomiarom

Poziom zaawansowania
Prostota obsługi

Zależna od urządzenia

  • Co oferujemy

    The Raman Rxn5 analyzer equipped with an Rxn-30 probe delivers fast composition measurement of gas turbine fuel feeds. Reduce risk, optimize turbine operational conditions, and meet quality compliance specifications.

  • Sprzęt i oprogramowanie

    • Raman Rxn5 analyzer

    • Raman RunTime embedded control software with Modbus TCP/IP or RS485

    • Raman Rxn-30 probe

    • Fiber optic cable up to 150 m

    • Sunshade racks, cabinets and shelters

    • Calibration with reference gas

    • Power and communications distribution

    • HTTPS remote access

  • Usługi

    • Application Consultancy & Onsite Inspection

    • Project Management & Engineering

    • FAT & SAT

    • Project Commissioning

    • System Performance Verification Services

    • Customer Training

Do pobrania

    • Magazyn firmowy
    Raman composition analysis of gas turbine fuel feeds

    Raman composition analysis of gas turbine fuel feeds 

    • Magazyn firmowy

    Learn why Raman analyzers are an extremely effective composition measurement tool for a wide range of fuels used to power gas turbines today. 

    • Broszury (WP) – Broszury techniczne
    Raman Rxn5 analyzer

    Raman Rxn5 analyzer for laser-based composition analysis

    • Broszury (WP) – Broszury techniczne

    Raman Rxn5 analyzer for laser-based composition analysis

    • Broszury (WP) – Broszury techniczne
    Raman Rxn-30

    Raman Rxn-30 - Gas-phase probe

    • Broszury (WP) – Broszury techniczne

    Raman Rxn-30 - Gas-phase probe

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